Fairfield County Retreat

Fairfield County, CT | Allen Ross Architecture was hired to design a new retreat center that includes a multi-purpose Party Barn with a 3/4 basketball court, guest house, pool, sports field, tennis court, adventure course, outdoor kitchen, and changing cabana. Careful thought was given to the component relationships and how one moves through the site. Elements were configured to address function, aesthetics, security, and safety. Code mandated pool enclosure requirements were met without blocking views and without enclosure fencing.

Adjacent wetlands, storm water management requirements, and multiple zoning limitations necessitated thoughtful permitting applications. Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board approvals were required. Extensive infrastructure improvements and property grading were needed to meet the regulatory and client program requirements.

The design intent was a crisp transitional style that is sympathetic with the Georgian buildings located elsewhere on the site. Timber trusses support the guest house roof and steel moment frames support the barn roof.